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One Lucky Caribou – A1 Hunts Resue

It was a chilly April morning, and my dad and I were eager to kick off our first spring trip to the cabin. As we arrived, I decided to explore the frozen lake while dad opened up the cabin. Little did I know, an incredible adventure was about to unfold.

As I gazed down the icy lake, my eyes widened in disbelief. There, in the distance, was a small caribou bravely attempting to cross the treacherous ice from the shore to the cove. Without warning, disaster struck – the ice cracked beneath her hooves, trapping her in the frigid water.

I sprinted back to my dad, panic filling my voice, “Dad, you’ve got to save her!” With urgency in his eyes, he rushed down to assess the situation. Determined, he swiftly returned to the cabin, attaching his trusty aluminum boat to the ATV and towing it to the lake.

We hopped into the boat, breaking through the ice with every stroke of the oar, inching closer to the struggling caribou. Our hearts raced as we attempted to pull her into the boat, but it was too small and the situation too perilous. She grew weaker by the minute, and time was running out.

Thinking quickly, my dad decided to forge a path through the ice to the distant shore. Clinging onto the caribou, I held on tight as we braved the freezing waters, our only hope of survival. With every ounce of strength, we reached the safety of solid ground, but the caribou was barely moving, her legs weak from the ordeal.

In a race against time, we carried her back to the cabin, the warmth of the wood stove our lifeline. We did everything we could to dry her off, removing her wet fur and providing her with much-needed warmth. Hours passed, and with each passing minute, her condition improved. The cabin became a sanctuary, and we watched in awe as she began to stir.

Finally, the moment we had been praying for arrived. With newfound strength, the caribou attempted to rise. However, the cabin floor proved too slippery for her weakened legs. Without hesitation, my dad guided her outside, placing her on solid ground. She stood there, taking in her surroundings, before suddenly bolting off into the distance.

As she disappeared into the wilderness, a mix of relief and gratitude washed over.

Hughanne Pelley

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